We hired Lucas early this year. It was quite a funny story. He got introduced to us through Whitetruffle, while he was providing feedback about our product to the Fairyqueen on a different thread. He even sent us code to fix a few things. We were so happy when he accepted our offer.
Lucas is now a pillar of the team. A lot of the things you see in the product have been built by him. He works really hard, and is always available, no matter the time of the day. He’s also a fantastic team player and now a good friend.
He works remotely. He’s based in Hoboken, N.J.
Hoboken is one of the places that got hit the most by Sandy. You can read all about it here. He’s safe and well as well as his family.
Whitetruffle also had its little crisis over the past few days, with LinkedIn deciding to stop allowing us to use their API to make it easy for users to import their education and work history. Even though we had a plan in place in case something like this would happen, we had to work really hard to make sure we can continue to provide a great experience to our users. We’re a tiny team, so every person counts tremendously.
Lucas knew that, and despite experiencing one of the worst hurricanes in history, worked all week-end and all this week. When he was out of power, we were looking at ways we could help him remotely. We shipped batteries to him to make sure he could continue to power his laptop (even though we didn’t know if they were going to be delivered). When we did Google hangouts, we could only see a dark silhouette, but could definitely hear him as he was 100% on the task.
He did all this with great spirit as well. When on Saturday afternoon, I changed some of the plans around the things he was working on, meaning he had to redo some, he agreed and started to work. To him, our users were the most important.
Here is a photo of his desk just after the hurricane hit.

We still have a lot of work to do on the transition out of LinkedIn, but I just wanted to publicly acknowledge the tremendous work Lucas did, under extreme circumstances and pressure. We’re really lucky to have him. This is what makes our team so special and why Whitetruffle has a very bright future.
Alex, CEO & founder.
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